Understand Abundance, Strive For Scarcity
Scarcity, the reason you thought you are in love, the reason you obsessed over that girl and developed a Oneitis mentality which screwed you over. Scarcity, the reason you are anxious about opening that blog or that shop. Scarcity, the reason you think you are doomed and will never stand out or be special. Scarcity is fucking…
Supreme Motivation: Death.
Supreme Motivation: Death. You have to get shit done in this life, you have to keep moving forward and achieve great things. Along the way, you have to sacrifice your own mental comfort to keep pushing. You have to sit face to face with the truth, indulge in the darkest muds of the twisted reality we live…
Basic Principle For Making Money
Making Money. Making money seems to be a trending subject recently. well, not just recently, it is an all time favorite men around the world. But it is so vague and full of false promises, it is seemingly either insanely easy or insanely hard. What is the deal with that?
A Tip To Break Your Approach Anxiety
Approach Anxiety What is holding you from talking to that cute girl you always wanted to talk to, or any girl in the near future is your approach anxiety. Approach anxiety is a sudden feeling of extreme fear the hits you irrationally and out of nowhere. Suddenly, thoughts are rushing through your head, you feel a…
After Sex Etiquette: Episode 1
After Sex Etiquette, Ep01 For episode 2 of the after sex etiquette, click here! Not many bloggers talk about what happens or should happen after sex, probably because most readers are interested in what to do to get sex in the first place. Well, looks like mysupremacy.com followers -or most of them- are experienced playboys. After many…
Confidence Part.03: Confident Body Language
Confident Body Language. Earlier episodes: Confidence 101(CLICK HERE) Confidence 102(CLICK HERE) After explaining “Pre-confidence” mentality switches and creating assumptions in part one and two of this series. we will move to Confidence base. Confidence base has three faces: Mental Frame, Alpha Actions and Body language. In today’s article, we will be covering confident body language skills, to…
Charity: The Last Piece To Being Supreme.
The Importance Of Charity. Charity, One of the most overlooked subject on any self-improvement blog, even though it has a tremendous effect on your self-esteem, and how you perceive yourself. Charity: the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick.. etc. what does it have to…