Tag: Confidence

  • Confidence Part.04: Mental Frame

    Mental Frame. We have already explained most of the knowledge needed to be confident, we have taught you what is the mentality of a confident person, we have illustrated how you can adapt your situation to be confident of what you have, and we have shown you how to convey confidence to the world through your…

  • Confidence Part.03: Confident Body Language

    Confident Body Language. Earlier episodes: Confidence 101(CLICK HERE) Confidence 102(CLICK HERE) After explaining “Pre-confidence” mentality switches and creating assumptions in part one and two of this series. we will move to Confidence base. Confidence base has three faces: Mental Frame, Alpha Actions and Body language. In today’s article, we will be covering confident body language skills, to…

  • How To Be Confident 102: Creating Assumptions

    Self-Confidence: Creating Your Assumption. To Read Part One Of The Series, Click Here! I thought kings are different. I thought leaders had what we will never have. I thought celebrities are a selected breed.  A lot of people think it is all up to karma, God and the universe to decide who we are and what we will ever…

  • How To Be Confident 101 : Confidence Mentality

    How To Be Confident 101 : Confidence Mentality

    Confidence Mentality This is the first article in the how to be confident series, and since we are starting to talk about something, the best place to begin is the mentality, so our complete focus today will be on the ins and outs of the confidence mentality.  This series is aimed to remove the mass…