Tag: business

  • Get a promotion: How To Advance Quickly in Your Career!

    How To Get A Quick Promotion At Work? Everyone is looking to get a promotion at work as fast as possible, the benefits of climbing the company’s ladder fast are just so seductive, so promising. The more you climb up, the more money you make, the more prestigious titles you get, and your overall life gets…

  • Loans Vs. Venture Capital

    Loans vs. Venture Capital If you want to start a business, a small company. Chances are, you don’t have enough money to make you business stand tall. This might be one of your “Excuses” to why you are not working on your business idea. But this my friend is not an excuse. We have multiple options…

  • Entrepreneurship, is it for YOU ?

    A former investment banker declared he want to become the world’s biggest online retailer. Jeff Bezos A university dropout went against all odds to sell something that was never meant to be for the general public. Steve Jobs A university dropout designed a silly website for comparing chicks. Saw a potential, ended up introducing today’s biggest communication…