Author: John Deus
How To Be Confident 101 : Confidence Mentality
Confidence Mentality This is the first article in the how to be confident series, and since we are starting to talk about something, the best place to begin is the mentality, so our complete focus today will be on the ins and outs of the confidence mentality. This series is aimed to remove the mass…
How To Get Motivated: Logic Vs. Emotions
Motivation: Logic Vs. Emotions Ever wondered why motivation hits you most right around bedtime or late at night? Ever wonder why it never lasts? Ever wondered why get motivated for a couple of days and then it all disappears, vanishes into the non-existence? Why do you always go back to Ground Zero? Losing weight, building muscle, approaching girls,…
Ego, Get It Out Of Your Way!
I will talk lengthly about the Ego and how to deal with it, this article serves as just an introduction to the endless articles on the topic of ego. When you enter or any other website that teaches, inspires or motivates you GET YOUR EGO OUT OF THE WAY. Your ego will fuck up the things…
Why Ok Gents, I won’t be revealing my true identity Here, at least not anytime soon. Although I am a strong believer that this is not a good strategy As a man is never afraid to show his true self, EVER! What I will do is the following… I have created an Instagram account, where I will share…
- Opening letter
“The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile. “Plato My Supremacy Opening Letter: One cannot test his own self in solidarity, A Warrior in a shining Armour is a warrior who has never had his metal truly tested. One cannot proclaim pride in…